Eternity – two people and a ham but with cool sides!
Cook’s brand ham was at 1.89 a pound at Shaws. Unadvertised, but I saw it while shopping for the kitchen supplies. It’s all cooked as I write this. I also nuked two yams, then mashed them with olive oil, allspice, salt, and fresh ground pepper – as well as kept adding bits of water to get the right consistency. That’s holding in the double boiler.
I also carmalized a large onion (sliced thin) in a bit of olive oil and then added three unpeeled small granny apples, also sliced thin. That’s on low in my (recent present to myself) 3 quart All Clad saute pan ) with the cover on.
All I have left to do is steam the asparagus, and dinner with be ready.
I don’t think I have mentioned on here that I need to cool it on meat – husband Steve had some too high cholestorol results! Luckily, he can deal with tofu. I’ll have to post the tofu stroganoff recipe that I found. He really liked that. And, he was okay with Fantastic Foods Tofu Scrambler. He can’t eat eggs, anyway – allergic.
My biggest goal is to provide lots of other “sides” when serving animal products so that he can fill up on thoses and not feel he needs to eat as much meat. And, that means more veggies for us both – a good thing.
Okay – off to have dinner! By the way, there is a spell checker for this blog, but I have not been using it recently. Better to take the time to write a bit more than spend it editing!