Fiddleheads !

I LOVE fiddleheads.  You will too if you like Brussels  sprouts, asparagus, or brocolli. And, even if you don’t, you just might like fiddleheads the way I prepare them with olive oil and Parmigiano reggiano cheese.  🙂

only available in the spring!

If you live around Wakefield, go to the refrigerated section in the far right corner of Farmland and look for this package:

From my favorite neighborhood grocery

Some folks simmer and then saute and/or marinate.  But here is my favorite way of preparing fiddlehead ferns:

While bringing a pan of water to a boi, rinse the fiddleheads well, swirling around in cold waterl.  Add the fiddleheads to the boiling water and simmer (NOT a roaring boil!) for 15 minutes.  Drain.  While the fiddleheads are still hot, add a BIG handful(s) of grated cheese, with freshly grated Parmigiano reggiano my recommendation, and a tablespoon or two of olive oil as desired. Unbelieveably delicious.  Good served over pasta, too.

NOTE:  When simmering the fiddleheads, don’t be alarmed at all the brown flakes, etc. that end up in the water.  It is just part of the plant.

Remember, fiddleheads are only available in the spring, as far as I know.  So, if you are going to try them, do it now!