Husk Cherries – Try them, I bet you’ll like them!

If you see these at Farmer Dave’s next week at the Wakefield Farmers Market, buy some!

husk cherries in container
Husk cherries as packaged by Farmer Dave. This container is missing some. 🙂

I thought they were tiny tomatillos at first, but upon looking even more confused when told they were husk cherries, I was given one to try.  They are exquisite!  Actually, I am not even going to bother trying to describe them because, when searching the Internet to learn more about this tasty little fruit, I found a wonderful description – ode, almost – to the husk cherry on a blog.  Click the quoted text to go to the original blog post.

“Husk cherries stole my heart this summer. They rustle in your hand, weighing nothing and smelling of dust. It seems impossible that inside each paper lantern can hide one single golden berry. They’re the humble Cinderella of the farmer’s market, for sure.”

husk cherries on a plate
Here is another shot, this with a ruler to show size.

I forgot to take a picture of a cherry without the husk, but you can find picture on the Internet, or better yet, get some to see and try for yourself! 🙂