Recipe Blog

Changed comment setting to anyone

Changed comment setting to anyone

I just changed the setting for comments – it had, by default, been set to let only registered blogspot users comment. Now, providing I did things correctly, anyone can comment on my posts. Now, if I can just get myself to write here regularly again…..

First time using ground chicken – makes great burgers!

First time using ground chicken – makes great burgers!

I just added a link to a page listing some of my favorite cookbooks, etc. Speaking of which, I tried another Rachael Ray recipe this evening. Chicken, spinach, and herb burgers. REALLY good! I only used a pound of ground chicken and adjusted the ingredients 

pork chops were great, but frozen entree tonight

pork chops were great, but frozen entree tonight

No time to cook tonight (off to choir practice this evening and still need to catch up on the daily tasks for the business after a LONG day of more depreciation adjustments…) but the pork chops came out great last night.

I steamed some frozen skinny green beans from Trader Joes and put some of the pan sauce on them, too, when I served. I left the potatoes as is, since they were slightly crunchy and had enough butter in/on them already. All in all, a good meal, and it looked pretty, too. Good thing I had the four potatoes and two apples (and that was all the potatoes and apples I had). And, I always make sure to have onions and garlic around. Although, I guess I would have otherwise served rice and made a pinapple pan sauce since I always have rice and a can of pineapple around.
Anway – nothing fancy tonight. Although, the frozen lasagna (I forget the brand at the moment) has no trans fats and has very reasonable levels of fat, calories, and salt. Could be worse. 🙂 At least I can make a fresh salad to go with it.

Pork chops still being created…

Pork chops still being created…

Okay, maybe I should have precooked the apples, too…. Not really, they are just adding about 5- minutes to the deal as they cook down. After removing the chops, I added a bit more olive oil and sauted, covered, the onion and garlic for a 

quickie pork chops, after a long day of bookeeping!

quickie pork chops, after a long day of bookeeping!

Luckily, I have a I level of tolerence for repetative tasks. Upon learning more about depreciation via the GAAS method, I am adjusting my depreciation entries from January 2003. The “bank” books, not the tax MACRES records! Anyway, Steve (my husband) is hungry and needs 

chicken soup – great!

chicken soup – great!

The chicken soup came out great last night. I added brown rice so I had to simmer longer than usual, but the bacon really added to the flavor. Today I do bookkeeping, so no food experiements today. Hopefully no number experiments, either. …

kick-ass chicken soup!

kick-ass chicken soup!

A while ago, I figured out that adding a can of white beans to chicken soup was a great way to fill it out if there was not much chicken left on the carcass. But right now, I am creating what just might be my 

helpful tip

helpful tip

Probably nothing new to most cooks, but found a good tip online for broiling sausages. Cover the bottom of the broiler pan with water. Mine took 3 cups. Makes for crispy sausages. Oh geez, I need to get a new battery for my laptop so 

Post ID: 2058

So, now I start the writing process as I gear up to writing a cookbook… And, if I never get it together for a cookbook, I will at least have a venue in which to write. I do love to write. And, perhaps I’ll hook up with other folks who love to cook via this blog.

I do love to cook, and greatly enjoy trying out new recipes and creating my own. Or adapting recipes based on my (or my husband’s) personal taste or on whatever the heck I have on hand to substitute!

Right now, I am waiting for turkey tenderloins to finish cooking. I got them on sale and they were 1 lb. each rather than the 8 oz called for in many recipes. I cut them in half to make 4 1/2 lb pieces and did a stuffed with spinach and feta thing. I was amazed that the filling did not fall out while I browned them before baking. I guess I cut the pockets right…

I was a vegetarian for years – and even when not, seldom cooked meat. But, I got married (for the first time) in 2003 at age 44 – so I have been learning how to cook more meat dishes.

I made homemade rice pilaf, too. Note to self: be sure to remember which prep work is for which recipe! I put the 1/2 cup chicken stock for the turkey in the rice while sauting instead of a few tablespoons. Rice is a bit soggy… But, I then decided to use apple juice as the menstrum for the turkey basting. I think that will turn out well. A bit of sugar in the apple juice seems to be creating a glaze.

Time to go see if the turkey is done. My oven is flaky and I don’t trust my oven thermometer, either. I even seem to have trouble with my new digital quick-read one…I get paranoid about undercooked meat, poultry, etc. Okay – time to check the oven!