Recipe Blog

Finally, she posts again!

Finally, she posts again!

I can’t believe it has been a YEAR since I last posted here!!!! I have been cooking and coming up with ideas, etc., but just forgot to post. For example, I make some mean meatballs that I bake – and when really pressed for time, 

Finally – Ultimate Hummus!!!

Finally – Ultimate Hummus!!!

I love Middle Eastern food, and have been making hummus for years – and doing a pretty darn good job it too, I might add. 🙂 However, being prone to experimenting, combining recipes, and just plain guessing on measurements, sometimes the texture or flavor would 

Spaghetti Squash and easy pan sauteed steak

Spaghetti Squash and easy pan sauteed steak

Flatiron steaks, from the external top blade area of the chuck, are economical, and when I saw some with the infamous “Manager Special” sticker at Shaws, they were an even better deal. While not the most tender cut, they are better than the “braise only” sort of cuts, and have great flavor. Marinading is also recommending to increase tenderness.

Their downfall is the line of gristle down the middle, and often also wandering off a bit throughout the cut. Previously, I’ve just sauteed them as is and dealt with cutting around the gristle while eating. Tonight, I cut out the gristle before cooking, effectively cutting the small steaks in half. I’ll have to watch them carefully because I bet they will take less than the usual time to saute a steak.

I put them in a very basic marinade for 4-5 hours: a little under a cup of olive oil and a little under 3/4 cup of vinegar, a tablespoon or so each tamari (soy sauce) and Worcestershire sauce, and minced garlic (one good-sized clove) and double the amount of minced onion. And some crumbled dried rosemary. Before cutting out the gristle, I patted them dry. They will brown better when seared if dry. [Note: While the steak was VERY tender, the taste of vinegar was a bit overpowering. I’ll use less vinegar next time. Also, instead of white vinegar, I’ll use a nice red wine or balsamic type.]

Hmm, might as well change the rest of this to past tense, now that I am editing post-meal!

I seared each side for about a minute, then turned frequently until they were medium rare (well-done will be too tough.) I’m still somewhat new to cooking meat, but found a great tip for knowing when a cut is medium rare:
“The steak is done to a medium rare the moment you observe a little pearling of red juice beginning to ooze at the surface of the steak. Another test is to press the steak with your finger; it is medium rare when it just begins to take on a suggestion of resistance and spring in contrast to its soft raw state. ” [Source: Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child, Louisette Bertholle and Simone Beck © 1961, 1983, 2001 Alfred A. Knopf]

This tip works!!!!! FINALLY, I am gaining confidence as to when a steak is done to my liking.

And, what to serve with steak? Something to, perhaps offset the fat and cholesterol for the husband? Never mind that I bought a bunch of arugula and needed to use it up!

Enter spaghetti squash. This is such a cool vegetable. When cooked and cooled, just cut in half, pick out the seeds, and then scrape the pulp off with a fork and it comes out in strings. Actually, if you bake it, you need to cut it in half before baking, but you can also boil it whole earlier in the day, let it cool, and then prepare it.

I ended up experimenting just a little with a recipe I found online. The ingredients are almost the same as the original recipe, but I am am going to serve it hot.

Here is a link to the original recipe:
Spaghetti Squash and Arugula recipe

I created a stir fry or “pasta” dish of sorts with pre-cooked spaghetti squash ( boiled it whole, earlier in the day – could be done the night before, too) as the base and cherry tomatoes (slice in half) and a bunch of arugula as the other veggie ingredients.

First, I trimed the arugula and sauteed it in a little olive oil until wilted. Then, I removed the arugula, heated up the spaghetti squash, and then added the arugula back. Then I added the tomatoes, pine nuts, fresh basil, and sliced black olives. I don’t think I used the onion and garlic called for in the original recipe….[note to self – try recapping recipes less than a day or two later!]

Right before serving, and after turning off the heat, I added crumbled feta cheese. It was REALLY good!

Oh, I also had a bunch of tiny yukon gold potatoes that I cut into quarters, joined by a few smallish onions that I also cut into chunks, that I coated lightly in olive oil, seasoned with salt and fresh ground pepper, and roasted in the oven for…maybe 35 minutes at 425? Dang, I have to write things down! But, they were good, too. 🙂

Anyway – everything was great, except for too much vinegar flavor in the meat from the marinade.

American chop suey – with extra flavor!

American chop suey – with extra flavor!

I have yet to dig out my Mom’s American Chop Suey recipe, (my sister-in-law Lorraine and I take turns having her recipe box at our houses for a few months at a time) and this does not taste like hers. First of all, this dish 

Tofu Veggie Croquettes

Tofu Veggie Croquettes

Trying another low cholesterol meal, here. This is from the Moosewood Restaurant Cooks for a Crowd cookbook, so I had to downsize it. Often, either increasing or decreasing recipes is not a direct fractional thing. But, I basically divided by 6 (5 cakes, or 84 

Pan Broild Lamb Chops – trying a recipe

Pan Broild Lamb Chops – trying a recipe

Here’s the link:–1750/pan-broiled-lamb-chops.asp

I promise I’ll figure out (probably take all of 30 seconds) to have a direct link – but for now, you’ll have to copy and paste. Just get too busy – and rather use the time to write.

I bought some lamb chops – shoulder blade, I think…at the infamous Manger Special discounted price at Shaw’s and tossed them in the freezer a few weeks ago. Took them out this morning, and put the marinade rub on around 4:00 pm. I used the called-for amount of marinade even though I have only 4 medium chops coming to just about 2 lbs, but, I do love garlic and rosemary!

I opted for dried rosemary. I have some I bought recently, and after crunching it up in my suribachi (japanese mortar/pestle but the bowl has ridges) with the pressed garlic, olive oil, and tamari (soy sauce), and the fact that it is in oil for the few hours while on the chops, I think I’ll get as good flavor as with fresh. Well, close, anyway.

I started them in the fridge, but have them sitting for an hour or so at room temperature before I cook them

I got fresh asparagus (NOT on sale but it looked really good) and will supplement with snow peas – perhaps stir-fried in the pan – just remove juices temporarily – leftover from the lamb before reducing the sauce….

I got some small red potatoes – and have decided to cut them into 2 inch pieces and roast them. Although taters always seem to take longer in the oven than recipes say, it says 30 minutes at 425 will do it. Hey, maybe I’ll roast the asparagus instead of steaming…. Hmmm, which method will result in lower fat? Steamed and Steve smothers in butter? (aha, although he has taken nicely to that Smart Balance spread with flax) or drizzled in olive oil when roasted? HMMM. I’ll have the oven on, anyway – roasting it will be – that will conserve energy.

Okay, gotta go cook. And, now that I think I have figured out a way to have more time in my life (albeit less money from freelancing) I should be able to post the results soon and get back to posting more often in the near future!

tasty chop suey variation with beef

tasty chop suey variation with beef

I found a thin round steak – .89 of a lb, in my freezer. I Not the best cut of meat for anything other than braising, but I wanted a stovetop meal and that’s what needed to get used up! I marinated it for the 

empty the freezer casserole – ham

empty the freezer casserole – ham

I just bought a Cooks Spiral Ham on sale – but still had some chunks and slices of ham from the last one in the freezer. Slices can be for sandwiches this week – and I just used the rest in a casserole that looks 

good beef stew! and thickening tip

good beef stew! and thickening tip

Ah, beef stew with a pleasant thickness without the mess of dredging in flour before browning the meat – or the bother of straining and thickening the broth after cooking. That tip from Cook’s Illustrated worked great – add flour and cook a bit to the sauted onion/garlic before deglazing and adding the rest of the liquid.

Although, since I also added potatoes 1/2 way through the cooking, by the next day it was “glop.” Luckily, I have some beef broth to thin it out upon re-heating. I really like those aseptic cartons of broth and stock for when I don’t have homemade available. I also use that brand of boullion that comes as a paste in a jar in a pinch – and did use that when making the stew (used chicken flavor for that) but the packaged (verus canned) stock and broth is great.

Anyway – an experiement with using “what I had on hand” that worked.

beef stew – another variation

beef stew – another variation

Ooo, ooo – now two people read my blog and have left comments! My friend Lori (who lives, conveniently, upstairs from me) may even comment more, now that we have “twin” dutch ovens and will be exploring and sharing recipes for this wonderful type of